I just thought I would post some pictures that I forgot to post earlier, mostly I'm just doing this to keep myself busy :)

Me and Dad

Joyce and Mom - two short ladies, notice the fanny pack!

Joyce's alternative to the chocolate cake - chocolate brownies with melted Hershey bar!
Hee Hee Hee.
Fanny pack has such a different meaning here in the UK.
Childish humour over I love the pics. You look so well and smiley.
Keep the positive outlook!
Sorry for the Neanderthal male who posted above.....boy humour!!
You know what my favourite pic is = the Brownies, they look so good. I attempted to make some last night but I didn't cook them long enough as the 'gooey' centres were pretty runny :(.....You look good too, Kel, but you know, chocolate............there's not really any competition ;)
Stay strong...............xx
Love the pics Kelly, thanks for sharing. I agree with Wullie and Veronica, you look great. Are those first pictures from Block Island. What a veiw? I think I need to go to the ocean this weekend. I'm gonna talk Josh into taking me to the city (San Francisco) this weekend. Me and my sunscreen :( Talk to you soon.
Great pictures! Hope to see you at Wellness in the future. Now I really want a brownie...
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