Friday, March 28, 2008

Chill Out

It's been a while. Whoops. I'm really excited that it's Friday. This week just dragged and dragged. All I wanted to do was get a little extra sleep, I'm still battling my sickies unfortunately. I went to the doctors last Friday and she said I had bronchitis and she put me on antibiotics, but weak ones.... so I'm still taking them and I'm still not 100% --- boo :( I'm looking forward to sleeping late tomorrow, which will hopefully make a world of difference. Well it better, I'm officially full time this coming Tuesday, and meh, I'm going to be a sad sad lamb in the morning. I might even have to take up drinking coffee or something. Whatevs, I'll deal. Once I shake these sickies, it'll help.
I planned on doing nothing tonight, which was pretty awesome. I even did a bunch of cleaning last night, because this girl can't relax without things being clean and organized, which is funny because I've decided I'm kind of a slob that just cleans a lot.... whatevs. My place is clean now. I watched two movies I had from Netflix. One was Griffin & Phoenix which was such a sad movie. If you've fought or are currently fighting cancer, don't watch it. It made me cry. It's basically about two terminally ill people who fall in love, and it was funny at parts, but mostly sad. I actually talked to a girl at work today who turns out her brother died this summer from cancer, he was only 21. I almost started crying right then. Maybe I'm just hormonal.... I started thinking about Morgan and the others that have passed away from the hodge... it makes me so sad. Especially with someone like Morgan who was really one of the sweetest people in the world - not to forget the most hilllarious. I started telling the girl from work about her and how funny she was, and the pillow cases she was supposed to get... that were a day late.
I'm ready for a change. I'm sick of people marketing their cancer bullshit to me lately. If every friggin' cancer group starts bombarding you with email bullshit, you'd hate them too. I'm so over cancer, it's for losers. I'm sick of the myspace/facebook requests to join some stupid email group for cancer just so they can bombard me about raising money and shit. I don't have any! And even people currently fighting cancer don't want to be bombarded with this shit on an everyday basis reminding you that perhaps you're genetically challenged or something.
I want to start being healthier. I hope I have it in me. Sometimes I wonder if I don't have the willpower to get old Kelly back. I know it's one step at a time, but sometimes I feel like I'm just taking the escalator instead of taking the stairs...
Currently listening to: Ray LaMontagne - Trouble


Veronica said...

Just sending you a big cyber-hug..............Vx

BaldyLocks said...

Heya. I hope your weekend is going okay. Being sick is lousy. Both my kids have been sick and I've escaped it so far.

I hope those antibiotics are working and that now you are kicking back, enjoying your weekend and clean house.

Michelle said...

Great post! You do have it in you to do whatever is is you want! Just keep on keeping on!!! :O)

P.S. Hope you feel better soon!