Friday, June 11, 2010

Happy Almost Flag Day!

Did you know that Monday, June 14th is Flag Day? Not only is it a random American holiday without a day off of work, it's also the day I finished chemo. Forever.

Yep, I made cancer my bitch on June 14, 2007 and have kept my middle finger aimed at it ever since.

Suck it cancer.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some would say that Flag Day, June 14, sort of marks the middle of the year: the 14th day of the sixth month of the 12 month calendar. I'm sure if you use serious mathmatics and count out the actual dates, that would be wrong, but who cares? It's funner this way! Especially since it's it happens to be my favorite holiday! My mom used to count down to each other: "only four more shopping days until flag day!" and "do you have any special plans for flag day this year!?!?!"
Needless to say, I chose Flag Day as what would later become my wedding anniversary!"
Tis a silly day to celebrate otherwise!