Monday, April 30, 2007

I'M CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get out the pink champagne!!! My scans are clean!!!! HOOOORAY!!!!!!!! I'm going out to celebrate tonight with Pat - hooray! I'll write more soon, XO


judy tierney said...

Hi Kelly,
We just got your address....

Hooray for being clean!!!!

Whooppee......enjoy your celebration.

Your parents are on the Island and they're thrilled.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,
First of all - CONGRATULATIONS!! I just found your site tonight when I googled "cancer pain chemo". I was diagnosed with stage 2A HL on 4/11. I'm almost 42, so we're in different stages of our lives, but I loved reading your blog.

I'm glad to hear that you're kicking cancer's #%$ - it gives me hope!

Chris said...


GREAT news, you must be so chuffed.
Hope to have similar news in three weeks, fingers crossed.
Hope you enjoyed the champagne and your head survived.

Chris and Vic

Anonymous said...

Kelly 1, Cancer 0 -- you've officially kicked it in the ass!

Maybe you should rename your blog "cancerpaloozer" :)


Anonymous said...

Kelly!!! This is AWESOME news. I'm so happy for you -all those good thoughts must've done some good. :)
- Jess

Heather said...


I guess cancer is your bitch.

My dad (George - your mom's (newly retired) coworker) just sent me the link to your blog. It's about as fantastic as your attitude and humor. :)

Have fun partying!

Matthew Zachary said...


Rock on,

Matthew Zachary