I officially have 1 more chemo left until I'm
DONE! I can't wait, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now. In about 3 more weeks I'll be on my way to feeling normal, and it'll be
soo great. Oh and even better news, I'm going to get deported the day after my last chemo!!!!
HOOORAY!! I can't wait for it, they said it's much easier going out than it is going in. I'm excited to be able to wear a seat belt in my car and not have this annoying feeling underneath it from the port.
WHOO HOOO!! I should be all healed up by the time I go to Block Island!
So I took some pictures of today's bonanza. I have to go back in tomorrow to get neulasta, that will make 3 out of 11 times I got it, not bad at all! PS I'm totally wearing the same shirt that I wore yesterday, but I actually washed it last night, so I'm not a giant bum! :)

Yolanda and Mary - official blood takers at
NEMC Cancer Center

Me and Yolanda, she's
HILLLARIOUS. She used to be my blood taker - before the port, we still hang out though, DUH.

Me and Paula, my chemo nurse! She's the best chemo nurse,

Mom, Dad and the cupcakes!
Oh and if you read my last blog posting, Elizabeth re-found my blog today and left me a comment on my
My Story post. Hooray for randomness! I seriously can't believe that, it was totally fate that she was sitting next to me. I told everyone at the hospital and they all couldn't believe it either! Cancer is such a small world!
Hey Kelly - congrats on getting another ABVD under your belt. hope it's not too rough this time round.
Loved the cupcakes - did YOU make them?????...........x
Hurray 1 more to go and hurray cupcakes!!! yummy!! Keep me updated on the port removal and how that goes!
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