I took a bunch of pictures with my new camera - I would have liked to take more but the sun kept going in and out, and I was a lil lazy to drive around...anywho, I uploaded them all on my webshots site so feel free to play around and look. Nothing super exciting, but some nice beach photos.
I had a nice relaxing weekend. We took the dog swimming at the beach on Saturday and went out to dinner on that night, walked around and shopped a bit on Sunday and then went to Ron and Judy's for dinner with a bunch of their friends, then did a little more shopping this afternoon and came back. We had the craziest thunder and lightning storm last night around 2am - it was like it was happening right in my room! It of course freaked the pup out too....he came downstairs to my room so I could protect him...but my dad followed him down and made him go back to bed with him and my mom :) It was good to get some fresh air and have a change of scenery. I even read a whole book while I was there! It was called Can You Keep A Secret, kinda a chick flick type book...but I read it in less than 24 hours. I'm quite proud of myself, I haven't been motivated to read anything since I've been sick except for blogs.
I'm on my way to my apartment tomorrow after I run some errands. I'm pretty sure Pat is coming over to go out to dinner and maybe go bowling and have a slumber party. I might even hit the gym at my apartment, I'm feeling kinda fat lately...might be good, even if I just ride the bike for a little while. We will see :)
So yeah, I'll write more soon. XO
Looking good, gal! Nobody would ever know you were on chemo! I'm off to check out your photos now. And by the way, Chris and Vicky are now on Wullie's persuasion team for coming to Boston - so will you be in the area this time next year???!!! Your fellow Hodgers might just be popping in....!!
Take care - keep ticking off the days till the end of chemo.....x
You look great! Did you read "Can You Keep a Secret" by Sophie Kinsella? I haven't read that one yet, but I have other books by her that I think you would like. Let me know and I'll send them over.
Oh Yeah - I am def on for the Duck Tour! Hopefully, we can hang out soon - keep me posted as to when you want to meet up,
See you soon!
Love and Miss You,
Kelly, you look superb! You'd never know you were going through chemo hell.
More photies please!
I'm winning the "Battle of Boston" (I think) so just need to sort a date for next year. We hope Chris and Vicky will be able to come over the same time as us. That would be sweet.
Hope you got bowling and that you kicked ass with a 300 game.
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