Lately, I feel like I'm damaged goods. All I want is to go on a date with someone, or have someone have a little crush on me, 10th grade style. I feel like I look so buttoned up lately with my terrible pulled back hair that needs to be gelled back so that the short pieces don't pop thru... ugh. Know any slutty dudes that like cancer chicks??? Or just dudes that want to snuggle with me and watch movies? If so, please send them my way, thanks!
I think tonight is going to be a lazy night. I feel like lighting a bunch of candles and taking a long, hot bath and maybe watching a sappy movie. Yep, sounds terrific! Maybe I'll even mix myself up a fancy drink.... okay, this is me cutting it short because I'm going to be lame.
I second you on the guy thing. I'm not getting any action over here either. If you end up getting a few extra, maybe send them my way?
Yeah, let's find some hot dudes...
... uh, did I just say that?...
...delete, delete, delete.....
Be careful what you wish for.....!!
Enjoy being young, free and single - there's time enough for all the rest..........ah, there speaks an old married woman!!
Kel, Veronica is right: Enjoy being young, free, and single.
I'll have to ask her what I should do because I am OLD, free, and single.
<3 K.
Cancer-tinis sound Fab! I think my green ones would work. Of course, yours could be purple.
I think red should be the colour. November and red! We have to find a drink that is red. Any ideas? Your idea for shopping therapy sounds good. I have an excuse too, my birthday is in a couple of days. Yay for birthdays!
I've been dream shopping here
People should read this.
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