Monday, July 14, 2008

Back From Vaca...

I'm back from vaca ... ugh. I wish I was still at the beach. I'm sunburned though - somehow I managed to burn on my last day on just my left arm - and no my arm wasn't hanging out of the car window or something! I have no idea what I did! Ha!

Just thought I would post a mini update...



Veronica said...

Glad you're back home to the end of holidays but looks like you've got Louisville to look forward to!!


BaldyLocks said...

Wow a lot has gone on. Your hair is cute and it looks like your bonanza was a lot of fun. I'll just cry about missing it into my pillow. Sorry about the shingles. That sounds awful! I have to take valtrex every day because of my transplant.

Congrats on the vacation! I miss you too!