So I still haven't blogged about the rest of my weekend of fun. I went to physical therapy on Monday and Tuesday which is good - my therapist is hillarious and kinda cute, so it helps the recovery process :) I also hung out with Mandy and did our usual fat kid eating bonanza and a little shopping - we went to the lovely Wal-Mart in Framingham so I could buy Thank You cards (cute ones too!) and I bought some fun lipstick for randomness... I love "stuff" like that...makeup, shampoo, body wash..I love it all.
I also went to work for lunch on Tuesday. It was lots of fun, I was like a celebrity there!! :) People that had started after me introduced themselves and said they had heard so much about me - it's really good to be missed by everyone. Lynda my cubemate was SOOO excited to see me... I miss her lots...I miss everyone though... especially my BFFi, he's hilllarious. Also I found out that the infamous wax lip picture is hanging on the bulletin board in the kitchen so everyone sees it everyday - HOORAY! And my actual employee picture on the board looks pretty good - I'm all glowy and shit. I guess it was a good makeup day! :) But yeah, it was awesome to go to work...I ended up staying about 5 hours - that's how long it took to catch up with everyone! We're going to schedule a movie night soon too - either in a week and a half or 3ish weeks from now...I gotta figure out my schedule. But actually now that I think about it - I'll be here a lot at the end of these 2 weeks because I have to get a PET and CT scan - my fingers are TIGHTLY crossed that the PET comes back negative, otherwise we have to have some more conversations about radiation and as you know, I don't want it if I can avoid it.
Also, another thank you to the lovely Karen. She read my blog and felt bad that I couldn't find any bandannas and ended up buying me a billion different head wraps!!!!!!!! That was super nice of you, you rock!! I'll take some pictures of me in them soon and post for funnies!! Also, I think I also mentioned this, but I'm still excited, my Auntie Doris is going to make me a ton of headbands/wraps with a bunch of cool fabric I bought. I can't wait!!
So fingers are crossed for a speedy-ish recovery this round, please cross yours as well. And thank you again everyone for thinking about me and of course for reading my blog. I love to check and see how many people are reading everyday :) Don't forget, leave me lots of comments, I get bored and check my email all the time and I need something to read!!!
So you'll see I just left you a message on your blog from a month ago and just noticed that you have this one now! I'm so slow! Glad to hear things are going better. Good luck with the test!
HI Kelly, great to hear you had a good time visiting work, I feel like Chris and you are on the way back now.
Thanks for ordering the T shirt, not sure if you have the address but I will check and resend.
Hi Kelly
You don't know me but I just wanted to say thank you for your blog. I'm 27 years old and have hodgkin's stage 2A. I have been through 2 chemos so far and everything that you have said is so true. I wish you all the best in beating hodgkins and getting your life back to normal. Take care.
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