Tuesday, June 12, 2007

July 13th!!?!??!

Not too much is new, that's why I haven't posted since Sunday. I'm feeling a bit run down since Sunday. I'm either fighting a cold or having allergies - I'm all stuffy nosed and tired. I haven't really left bed since Sunday except for going out to dinner last night with mom's friends George and Elaine. I was freakishly starving when we got there, then I realized I hadn't really eaten anything all day - I ate LOTS.

So I just checked my phone messages at my apartment today and had a message from my surgeon's secretary - well I had 2 messages, 1 saying come in on June 15th for 2pm surgery, then one saying to disregard that and I should come in on July 13th!! By the time I checked my messages the secretary had gone home, so hopefully I can get to the bottom of this first thing tomorrow. I don't want to wait until July to get this thing out of me!! :( Please cross your fingers that I get this sucker out on Friday! My onc said I could, so I don't understand what the deal is, stay tuned for updates on this!

The countdown is almost over, hooray. Thursday is officially my last chemo treatment, hopefully ever!!!!



Sanbandit said...

hope they can get you in soon, but maybe they are just all booked up???

Veronica said...

Fingers and toes crossed across the ocean!! Perfectly understandable to want it out as soon as possible - hope you get the news you want!

Will be thinking of you LOTS tomorrow - you've coped brilliantly through the past six months - well done you!..........x

Wullie said...

I will be around for your last one! For some reason I thought it was next week. I'll blame it on chemo-brain.

I'm all excited for you now!