Nurse: "Sorry Kelly, your blood work got screwed up - it's going to be another 2 hours."
Me: "I don't care, I'm just hanging out."
Everyone was so excited for my last day, all the nurses in the infusion center knew that it was the end, and were excited for the cookies I brought in. Most of them were gone by the time I left today, what I like to see, some healthy eaters! I also brought in yellow roses for Tina and Kellie, and got them both cards, on the cards I wrote them: "Thanks for making chemo bearable, however, I hope I never have to see you on a regular basis again for the same reason." :) I even saw a few little tears in Tina's eyes, she said I made her day and made her want to come to work ! AND I told her she was my favorite, and she said so was I, so it's official, I'm her favorite cancer patient, mission complete!
A downer today was that I found out that my buddy Yolanda got laid off since my last treatment. I was so shocked, she was supposed to bring me a picture of her son today! She was really awesome, she always cheered me up on my bad days, came to visit me during chemo, and told me which nurses to avoid and which ones were legit! I even had a card for her, the nurses are going to try to track her down and send it to her for me. I'm going to be writing some letter this weekend to make sure that my favorite nurses don't get laid off next! There was an article in the Boston Globe a few days ago about this, but I never read the paper anymore, so I was out of the loop!
Well I just got back to my apartment from chemo and dinner - and no, I was too tired to have them sing to me, I know, I suck. I'm going to go take a bath now, I have this terrible ingrown hair on my leg that's all infected and annoying, yep that means I'm going on antibiotics, fun times! Oh yeah, and as for the port, we tried to see if I could get squeezed in for removal tomorrow, but it was a no go. I guess the surgeon isn't really going to be in that day, but really scheduling was just a big mess. So I'm on for Friday June 22. I guess it's easier coming out than it is going in, so I'm guessing I'll be fine since I wasn't that bad with it going in. I'm going to Tim's graduation party on the 23rd, which means driving and a seat belt on top of the fresh wound, but still, I think I'll be okay.
Oh and kudos to Kathleen today, she did an awesome job filling Paula's shoes for my last chemo, thanks for being so nice!!!
Once again, HOOORAY!!! Now to start planning chemopalooza part deux!
Yay you are done!!! I put the fork in did you feel it?
You can just put the seatbelt under your arm to avoid the port wound yes? Hopefully when you're gettin your port out I'll be havin mind shot up with the chemo as long as I'm all healed up from this surgery.
Glad you're all good and all done!!!
Top Bananna, you done.
Enjoy the rest of your life, cancer free!
Will soon be with you
I'm delighted so dunno how you must be feeling!
Kick back and relax now and then start getting back to whatever "normal" is.
I'll be finished chemo on the 26th or 27th June... not long now.
Fandabeedozee (good ol' Scottish saying for 'Yippee!!').
Well done, you - you should be proud of yourself in SO many ways. Enjoy your post-chemo knowing it's the last.
start the countdown to 'deportation' :)
Much love and respect............x
OOOPPPSSS - last post was ME - Veronica..............x
can't even blame chemobrain - d'oh!
Kelly, congratulations and well done, I am not suprised the nurses love you, you cheer us up and we are on the other side of the pond.
Thinking of your Mum and Dad, must be such a good feeling for them to know that you are done with the chemo.
bye for now
YAY Kelly!! I'm so excited to hear that you're officially chemo-free! :)
- Jess
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